1. foobar2000 v1.3.9
2. Resolution higher than 1920x1080. 4K monitor is recommended
3. Segoe UI font family
Buy from Sellfy ($3, You need paypal account): sellfy.com/p/w6g2
Read first :
1. Window frame should look like the preview image, regardless what Windows version and custom VS you're using.
2. Installation and basic setup guide is included in the zip archive.
Additional screenshots
Feedback is always appreciated =D
Changelog :
*Check the user guide for complete logs
V1.5.1 [28 May 2016]
- WSH panel mod for artist pictures and biography has been replaced by Jscript Panel, big thanks to marc2003
v1.5 [21 May 2016]
- 2 new color scheme (Grey-Pink & Grey-White-Orange) for 125% and 150% DPI
- New Library view (Genre, Rating, etc)
v1.3.1 [25 Jan 2016]
- New seekbar design
- Windows 10 min/max/close buttons
v1.3 [31 Aug 2014]
- Option to disable last.fm integration ('charts' view, love button, etc.)
- Change method to grab artist pictures :
-- Fetching up to 5 pictures
-- All pictures now will be saved in foobar2000 profile folder
- Artist pictures & album artwork on the main interface now will insist filling the space regardless of their aspect ratio
- 'Playlists' view functionality now integrated into 'Collection' view. In the form of collapsible bar.
- Add library tree panel in collection interface
- Minor fixes
- v1.2 171213 Hotfix (100% DPI only)
v1.2 [11 Dec 2013]
- Change the default scheme to dark grey w/ blue
- Redesign the collection layout
- Also redesign few other panels
- Full-length & dynamic seekbar
- Optimization for streaming contents (dynamic artist & title, station name)
- Better volume calculation
- Bunch of fixes
v1.1 [11 Nov 2013]
- 2 new color schemes
- Resizable window (beta)
- Smart playlists
- Alternative 'Now Playing' list style
- Fix missing symbols / characters
Credit to :
iosuiscloud for supporting this skin development
marc2k3 for lots of WSH scripts
Markkoenig for volume bar script (from Lux)
ainq for Gauss: Aqua wallpaper
dAKirby309 for foobar2000 icon (from Metro UI Icon Set)
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